Saturday, October 29, 2011

Garden Zombies

Before we moved from Brooklyn some friends gave us a crazy zombie lawn ornament as a going away present. We've been so caught up with trying to make the inside of the house livable that we haven't spent much time on the outside so the zombie has been boxed since we got here. If I'm being honest, I also didn't want to have our first impression in a new place be that we're the kind of crazy people who have a zombie in the yard in July. Although we're totally those people.

Anyway, now that it's Halloween we can bring out the zombie without feeling weird. Maybe we just won't put it away afterward. I'll stick a Santa hat on it next week and it'll still be appropriate. So here is our badass zombie. Ready to scare the trick or treaters who won't be coming since we live in the sticks. Oh, and please disregard the filthy fence. Pretend that it didn't always look that way and, instead, we took our pristine white fence and aged it just for the holiday. Yeah, that's it.


  1. Jeanne...your zombie is soooooo creepy! that would freak me out everytime I pulled into the drive. I showed it to boog and now he wants one! hahaha

  2. Aww...I'm glad he likes it. I'd never really taken a good look at it in the box so when I unpacked it I was super freaked out with how real it looks. It has these cloudy glass eyes that are so creepy. It was on the porch for a few hours while I was cleaning up the kitchen and every single time I glimpsed it through the door it weirded me out. I'll have to ask my friends where they got it.
