Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Pumpkin Faces in the Works

The tiniest pumpkin is only about 3 inches wide and maybe 2 inches tall and I think it may be my favorite. I carried it around in the pocket of my hoodie the other day just because I could.
I'm also making this strange little bat. The eyes are felt ones from Michael's and right now it just has a paper template for a mouth but it's going to be cut from white felt. It has little black felt ears and black felt wings. For some reason I really liked the sad bat face. I tried making it a happy bat but it just wasn't nearly as cute to me.
Now that Halloween is almost past it's that stressful time when I have to sit down and think about Christmas. I've got a couple of ideas floating around for things to make but I need to get it all written out and face the truth of whether or not I have time to make all the things that I want to make.
Adorable Halloween Pillow Covers
Happy Halloween Eve
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Hey Jeanne...Can you guess who this is supposed to be? |
Maddy =)
More Pics of Gohan

I haven't figured out how to add more pics to a post in the spots that I want them. So I'm making a separate post with pics of the finished Gohan costume. While doing so I might as well chat a bit. I'm happy to report that my Cookie wore his costume to Disney's Not So Scary and it survived! Also, he wore it to Miami's Metro Zoo last night (which, by the way, is where we live) and again, it survived. We were only there for about an hour since it started to pour down on us and my boog does not like being caught in the rain. But if it wasn't raining, we wouldn't have had to find cover under the bike rental tent. and if we wouldn't have had to find cover, we would have never had an employee of the zoo creepily call for "Goku" on the microphone. I'm a little slow so it took me a while to figure out that the zoo guy was talking to US! It made Cookie's night and mine. :) He may have been wrong about the actual character Boog was dressed up as, but at least he was in the ballpark which means I had done good. :) And once again, my boog was an original. He was the only Gohan at both parks. And last year he dressed up as a dead husband. A costume he put together himself. It got lots of attention from the Disney employees and he won a costume contest with it too.
I just love my boogie boo and all his originality!!!
Maddy =)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
You want me to make what?

So now it was back in my hands. Together we decided what I needed to do to get the effect needed but I was the one to do the actual sewing. With only a few days until we were off to Disney Worlds Fort Wilderness (we were camping with the cub scouts as well), I had to get busy. And busy I got! There was lots of sewing, lots of fittings and unfortunately lots of one on one time with my beloved seam ripper. But to my pleasant surprise, I finished it the night before we were to leave for Disney. WOW...What a great feeling that was! Was it perfect? Absolutely NOT, but my little man LOVED it and said it was the best costume EVER! That was more than enough to help me look past the flaws I saw and be content with the fact that my son was happy.
Now if only I could figure out how to post more than one picture and put it where I want it. Jeanne, H.E.L.P!
Maddy =)
Garden Zombies
Anyway, now that it's Halloween we can bring out the zombie without feeling weird. Maybe we just won't put it away afterward. I'll stick a Santa hat on it next week and it'll still be appropriate. So here is our badass zombie. Ready to scare the trick or treaters who won't be coming since we live in the sticks. Oh, and please disregard the filthy fence. Pretend that it didn't always look that way and, instead, we took our pristine white fence and aged it just for the holiday. Yeah, that's it.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
More Introductions
Hi, I'm Maddy, the sister-n-law. =) I'm so happy that Jeanne started this blog. Until now, we had only talked about it. Thanks Jeanne for getting us going.
Okay, so I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. Not an easy task apparently. Who knew that my stage fright would transfer over into blog world. Well it appears that it has, but I’m going to work through it and hopefully along with accomplishing some projects, keeping in touch with the SIL and making some friends, I will get better at public speaking/blogging. Besides having stage and blog fright, I’m also a rambler and procrastinator. All these qualities just add to my bubbly personality don’t you think? Well maybe not. It probably depends on whom you ask.
Lets see. What else? I have an 8 year old son (usually referred to as My Cookie, Boogs, Boogie Woogie, Boo – nicknames are endless so try to keep up) who is the apple of my eye. When I’m not working, I’m involved in my cookie’s extremely active cub scout pack, training to do my first 5k, hanging out with my friends and thinking about more projects that I want to do and usually don’t get around to. I’m a procrastinator, remember?
My dear friends, Silvia and Sally, taught me how to quilt and my other dear friend, youtube, taught me how to crochet. I have yet to crochet anything more than a few scarves but I’m optimistic that I will eventually figure out how to do this baby sweater that I’m currently working on. Not only do I want to be a better quilter and crocheter, there are so many more things that I want to learn how to do. What is the very next thing on my list to learn? Mosaic stepping stones!!! Wendy, one of my bestest friends, has promised to teach me. She has even added mosaics to the walls inside her house! I just love her work and can’t wait to learn. I also love home remodeling shows/blogs and I love to watch cooking shows. If only I loved to cook, too, because i definitely love to eat.
Well I guess I should probably stop there for now. I mean why would I tell you what a Twilight Series and Vampire Diaries fan I am on my first post EVER? That is definitely 2nd post material.
Maddy =)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Pumpkins in Progress

A few years ago I made a housewarming present for some family who moved into their new home in October. Since I love Halloween I crocheted a pumpkin and gave it a variety of interchangeable faces. I loved the project so much that I made another one for a friends' birthday the following year. I've thought about the project a lot since I first made it and have always wanted to make another for myself and so I finally sat down to make one and ended up making four. I started with the largest one and then once I'd finished I thought it might be cute to make a smaller one with a fixed face instead of the velcro faces. And then when that was done I thought it would be cute if it were even smaller and then when that one was done it happened again and I made the fourth punpkin and now I don't think I can get any smaller than that. I just need to add stems and faces and get these little guys set up around the house. |
I'm also trying to make some little bats to go along with these so I've got one of those in progress but there's no photos because it's not very photogenic right now. It's just a stuffed black ball. I found some cool felt eyes at Michael's that I'm going to add and maybe some little white felt fangs and then some large felt wings attached to the back.
Ideally, I'd like to start making stuff like this for my Etsy shop but it's so hard to find time. Anyone have any advice on how to work a crafting business in with a full-time job?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Unfinished Objects
Well, now that I've introduced myself I figure I should pull out some of the stuff that I've been working on. I've been caught up these past few months with a new home, a new job and all in a new state so my works in progress have been stuck in progress longer than I'm proud of. I love making toys so first up is my little Elvis monkey. I've really enjoyed adapting this monkey pattern from Ana Paola Rimoli's Seriously Cute Crochet into a Pirate and a Superhero and now Elvis. I'm not sure why these things all seem cuter as monkeys but they totally do. |